Currently the exists a “Crisis in Creativity”. The Creativity Crisis: The Decrease in Creative Thinking Scores on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking was published in the Creativity Research Journal in 2011, and its impact was huge. Its finding that since the mid-90s imagination in the US has been in a ‘steady and persistent decline’ while IQ continued to rise made the headlines, even the front page of Newsweek magazine. It led to a period of national soul-searching. When I came across it several years later, I was fascinated that I had never heard mention of it from anyone in the climate change and social justice worlds. If climate change is anything, it must be the greatest failure of the imagination in the history of the world. Perhaps K’s paper might offer some illumination as to why our response isn’t happening fast enough?
How to Generate Ideas Using ‘SCAMPER’ Creativity Tool?
Lateral Thinking – How can Lateral Thinking help you?
Synectics for Creative Thinking in Technology Education.: EBSCOhost
Creativity and Imagination: Tools for Teaching Artistic Inquiry.: EBSCOhost
Synetics Potential for Education
The Power of Flexible Thinking – Scientific American
Learn How to Use the Best Ideation Methods: SCAMPER | Interaction Design Foundation
TeachersFirst – Dimensions of Creativity: Fluency
Chapter 5 Supporting Student Creativity – Methods of Education Technology: Principles, Practice, and
30 Things You Can Do To Promote Creativity | Creative Learning Strategy
From Sparking Student Creativity
4 Ways to Develop Creativity in Students | Edutopia
The Quest for Creativity in Schools – EdTech Researcher – Education Week